
The Subway Ad

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our subway ad campaign in Toronto! For the next 6 weeks, the roughly one million daily riders in Toronto will be asked a very simple question: what do you see in fur trim? While the majority of Canadians see what we do (a cruel and unnecessary product), no one can deny that fur trim has made a resurgence. 500 ads will run for a minimum of 6 weeks, leading up to, during, and after the holiday season, the prime time for purchasing fur trim.

Let’s end this cruel trend together. Click here to find out how to get involved!

If this ad has moved you, please consider sending a quick message to the Toronto Transit Commission to commend them for running the ads. There are two ways to reach them, we suggest you do both! By phone: 416-393-3030 and via online form.

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